Our 塔木德 program prepares Academy men and women with the requisite skills to make 塔木德 study a life-long endeavor. 在每个层面上, 学生将熟悉halachic解决问题的过程, 掌握必要的工具来批判性地检查文本. 学生学习经典文本, 包括Shulchan Aruch, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Mishna Berura和回应这个研究, enables 塔木德 students to observe the manner in which the 塔木德ic process leads to Halachic conclusions, 以及这个过程如何应用于现代生活. 超越技能掌握, 培养学生对塔木德在犹太人生活和学习中不可或缺的地位的欣赏, 为他们在以色列深造做准备. Academy graduates are accepted to the most prestigious Torah institutions in both Israel and the United States.
所有男孩都必须参加为期四年的耶希瓦课程,女孩则是自愿参加. 大二的时候, 女孩们要么选择犹太学校项目,要么选择类似的学术项目, 高级犹太研究项目. AJSP和Yeshiva项目都是为女孩开设的三年顺序项目. 所有女孩都在丘马什、纳维、米什纳和伊夫里特修必修课程.
Placement into courses is determined by recommendation of prior instructors and past achievement in 塔木德ic and related studies. 加速计划解决了高度积极和有天赋的学生的需求. 荣誉课程是为那些拥有丰富词汇量的学生开设的, 术语, 以及对塔木德文本的熟悉程度. 普通班学生, 他们表现出很高的积极性, 并掌握必要的技能, 会被鼓励转到荣誉课程吗.
在这门入门课程中, the primary purpose is to help the student see the 塔木德 as the foundation of day-to-day practice. The instructor stresses critical thinking and analytical skills in understanding the 塔木德ic thought process. 课程的形式包括传统和合作(chavruta)研究. 本课程涵盖了maschet Berachot和实际Halacha的研究, 特别强调了希尔肖·贝拉肖, Hilchot Tefillah和Hilchot HaChagim. 学生学习如何阅读和理解阿拉姆语文本、术语和工作词汇. 也, students study selected Rashi commentary and Tosaphot to help understand Rashi’s role as a primary aide in the study of 塔木德. 除了, students are introduced to the historical and analytical process used to determine contemporary Jewish Law (Halacha).
文本:《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》,《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》,Kitzur Shulchan, Aruch-Mevo-ar,哈拉奇语资料书
在线支持: Themercava.com
在这个加速塔木德课程, the primary objectives are to equip students with the skills to i内化塔木德和哈拉卡研究的重要概念和原则, 并获得独立学习《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》和《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》所必需的词汇和术语. Students also develop the skill of tracing a Halachic practice through the Shulchan Aruch to determine the conclusive ruling. This course introduces students to the 塔木德ic thought process 通过正式的Gemara学习和发展他们的阿拉姆语词汇. 本课程适合具有较强批判性思维能力的学生, 良好的希伯来语理解力, 以及之前对密西拿约和塔木德的一些研究. Students who enter the Acclerated class have demonstrated high motivation in their Torah studies and have developed fluency in 希伯来语 and Aramaic reading and comprehension skills.
本课程强调阅读、发音和理解能力的需要. 学生学习关键短语, 术语, 和过渡词,为以后的自主学习做准备. Students are introduced to the hierarchy of Halachic authority to help students understand the practical difference between Mishna and Braitha and between Tannaic and Amoraic statements. 也, 学生学习如何分析塔木德的陈述和由此衍生的含义. 在实际的Halacha中,Kitzur Shulchan Aruch因其清晰和简洁而被研究.
文本:塔木德·米吉拉,Kitzur Shulchan Aruch
在这门高级课程中,学生将学习《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》中的技能. The pace of this course is intensified because of the expectation that students have mastered transition words and phrases, 哪些是理解塔木德文本的关键. 在这个层次上,学生们发展了对《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》页面“映射”的实用知识. Students have mastered transition words and phrases 哪些是理解塔木德文本的关键. 在这个层次上,学生们发展了对《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》页面“映射”的实用知识. 学生从课文中学习精选的阿拉姆语和实用的阿拉姆语语法. 也, 学生评估两种相互冲突的观点, 它们之间的实际差异, 并支持双方. 训练学生将讨论的主题的原理概念化, 并找出合法的塔木德困难及其解决方案. Mishna Berura的研究得到了越来越多的关注, which provides a background that enriches the understanding of the issue while exposing students to the 术语 and vocabulary they will encounter throughout their 塔木德ic studies.
文本:塔木德·米吉拉,米希纳·贝鲁拉,Kitzur Hilchoat安息日
在本课程中, 学生有机会参与合作学习(chavruta), which allows students to put into practice the skills that they have learned and to examine ideas presented with peers. The pace of this course is intensified because of the expectation that students have mastered transition words and phrases, 哪些是理解塔木德文本的关键. 学生们将在大二获得的技能基础上发展. 学生学习精选的Tosafot文本和实用的阿拉姆语语法. 在这个层面上, 学生评估两个相互冲突的观点的分析, 它们之间的实际差异, 并支持双方. 训练学生将讨论的主题的原理概念化, 并找出合法的塔木德困难及其解决方案. 这门课增加了对米希纳·贝鲁拉研究的关注.
在这个荣誉级别的班级里, students receive significant time to engage in collaborative study (chavruta) to further reinforce independent learning skills that have been mastered up to this point. 课堂讨论包括利沙宁和亚迦罗宁的介绍, 并对各自的立场进行比较分析. 要求学生识别出Tosafot中表示问题的关键过渡词, 答案或证明. The technical elements of reading and comprehension are essential for future independent learning. 从本质上讲,学习Tosafot提高了比较分析和批判性思维的技能. 鼓励学生探索对同一文本的不同解释. 学生学习使用En Mishpat (Halachic reference for Mishneh Torah), turshulchan Aruch, 和S 'MaG). Methodology is learned to allow the student to follow a sugya from initial debate to the rendering of a Halachic decision.
在这个加速塔木德课程, the primary objectives are to invest students with the skills to i内化塔木德和哈拉卡研究的重要概念和原则, and to reinforce the vocabulary and 术语 necessary for independent 塔木德 and Halacha study. Students also master the skill of tracing a Halachic practice through the Shulchan Aruch to determine the conclusive ruling. 本课程进一步发展学生对塔木德思想过程的熟悉, 通过正式的Gemara学习和发展他们的阿拉姆语词汇. 本课程适合具有较强批判性思维能力的学生, 良好的希伯来语和亚拉姆语理解力, 以及之前对塔木德的一些研究. Students who enter the Acclerated class have demonstrated very high motivation in their Torah studies and have developed fluency in 希伯来语 and Aramaic reading and comprehension skills.
在塔木德荣誉课上, students are expected to prepare 塔木德 independently and master the technical elements of reading and comprehension that are essential for future independent learning. 给学生大量的时间进行合作学习(chavruta), 这加强了这些独立学习技能. 学生们被介绍到b 'kiyut的快节奏, 其中整个Maseschet(30-35个犹太法典对开本)在一年内完成. 课堂讨论包括利沙宁和亚迦罗宁的介绍, 并对各自的立场进行比较分析. 从本质上讲,学习Tosafot提高了比较分析和批判性思维的技能. 鼓励学生探索对同一文本的不同解释. 学生学习使用En Mishpat (Halachic reference for Mishneh Torah), turshulchan Aruch, 和S 'MaG.) Methodology is learned to enable the student to follow a sugya from initial debate to the rendering of a halachic decision. 本课程几乎完全用Ivrit进行.
文本:Megilla (Nehardea版),Mishna Berura(发声)
在这门入门课程中, the primary objectives are to equip students with the skills to i内化塔木德和哈拉卡研究的重要概念和原则, 并获得独立学习《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》和《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》所必需的词汇和术语. 通过对密西拿约的研究,从各种密西拿约中挑选, students are introduced to the analytical process of the development of contemporary Jewish Law as it relates to Shabbat, 神圣的日子, 犹太教规, 祷告与日常生活. 除了, students develop the skill of tracing a Halachic practice through the Shulchan Aruch to determine the conclusive ruling.
文本:密西那约派资料书,Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Mevo-ar
内化塔木德和哈拉卡研究的重要概念和原则, 并获得独立学习《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》和《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》所必需的词汇和术语. 通过对密西拿约的研究,从各种密西拿约中挑选, students are introduced to the analytical process of the development of contemporary Jewish Law as it relates to Shabbat, 神圣的日子, 犹太教规, 祷告与日常生活. Students also develop the skill of tracing a Halachic practice through the Shulchan Aruch to determine the conclusive ruling. During the final quarter of this course students experience the 塔木德ic thought process when formal Gemara learning is introduced and Aramaic vocabulary is taught. 本课程适合具有较强批判性思维能力的学生, 良好的希伯来语理解力, 以及之前对密西那约的一些研究. Students who enter the Honors class have demonstrated high motivation in their Torah studies and have developed a proficiency in 希伯来语 reading and comprehension skills.
文本:密西拿约的资料书:Sukka, Berachot, Sanhedrin, Makkot, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Mevo-ar
在这门高级课程中,学生将学习《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》中的技能. The pace of this course is intensified because of the expectation that students have mastered transition words and phrases, 哪些是理解塔木德文本的关键. 在这个层次上,学生们发展了对《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》页面“映射”的实用知识. Students have mastered transition words and phrases 哪些是理解塔木德文本的关键. 在这个层次上,学生们发展了对《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》页面“映射”的实用知识. 学生从课文中学习精选的阿拉姆语和实用的阿拉姆语语法. 也, 学生评估两种相互冲突的观点, 它们之间的实际差异, 并支持双方. 训练学生将讨论的主题的原理概念化, 并找出合法的塔木德困难及其解决方案. Mishna Berura的研究得到了越来越多的关注, which provides a background that enriches the understanding of the issue while exposing students to the 术语 and vocabulary they will encounter throughout their 塔木德ic studies.
文本:塔木德·米吉拉,米希纳·贝鲁拉,Kitzur Hilchoat安息日
在本课程中, the primary purpose is to help students develop strong critical thinking and analytical skills in understanding the 塔木德ic thought process. 课程的形式包括传统和合作(chavruta)学习. 本课程涵盖了实际Halcha的研究, 特别强调了希尔肖·贝拉肖, Hilchot Tefillah和Hilchot HaChagim. 学生学习如何阅读和理解阿拉姆语文本、术语和工作词汇. 也, students study selected Rashi commentary to help them understand Rashi’s role as a primary aide in the study of 塔木德. 除了, students are introduced to the historical and analytical process by which we determine contemporary Jewish Law (Halacha).
文本:Gittin, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch-Mevo-ar
在塔木德荣誉课上, students are expected to prepare 塔木德 independently and master the technical elements of reading and comprehension that are essential for future independent learning. 给学生大量的时间进行合作学习(chavruta), 这加强了这些独立学习技能. 学生们被介绍到b 'kiyut的快节奏, 其中整个Maseschet(30-35个犹太法典对开本)在一年内完成. 课堂讨论包括利沙宁和亚迦罗宁的介绍, 并对各自的立场进行比较分析. 从本质上讲,学习Tosafot提高了比较分析和批判性思维的技能. 鼓励学生探索对同一文本的不同解释. 学生学习使用En Mishpat (Halachic reference for Mishneh Torah), turshulchan Aruch, 和S 'MaG.) Methodology is learned to enable the student to follow a sugya from initial debate to the rendering of a halachic decision. 本课程几乎完全用Ivrit进行.
文本:Megilla (Nehardea版),Mishna Berura(发声)